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How to choose the best St. Louis insulation for your home
November 26, 2021 at 7:00 AM
How to choose the best St. Louis insulation for your home

Having your home properly insulated is an essential part of making sure that you maintain a comfortable climate throughout the year. It ensures that you’re trapping the proper amount of air to keep your heating and cooling bills low. Although you don’t want to pack it too tight as it’s also important to maintain airflow so your house doesn’t get too stuffy. At St. Louis Insulation, we can help you find the perfect balance for your home by choosing the best insulation for your home in St. Louis. Read our short guide below for some information to help you get started.

Consider R-value

The R-value of your insulation is what lets you know how efficient your insulation is going to be for your home by preventing heat from flowing through the material. This is a term called thermal conductivity. A high R-value means that a material has low thermal conductivity, so you can be confident that the heat in your home will be trapped where you want it. Some insulation materials naturally have higher R-values than others so you’ll find that they’re more efficient.

You must choose insulation that’s appropriate for the area of your home. For instance, you’re going to want the highest R-value in your home to be in the attic so heat doesn’t escape through your roof. Your floors and crawlspace will also have higher R-values than your walls.

Think about flammability

Even a tiny spark can sometimes be enough to start a house fire when your home is insulated with incredibly flammable material. This can be especially problematic in dry climates. Asbestos used to be a common insulation material because of its fire-retardant nature. However, its use has sharply declined as it’s connected with specific types of cancer. To remedy this issue, other materials such as fiberglass have become increasingly popular to use. Consider the flammability of your insulation to ensure that your insulation isn’t putting your home at risk.

Ask about allergens

Materials like fiberglass, rock wool, and cellulose can be effective insulation materials. Although, they can also be problematic if you have someone in your home who has allergies to them or is prone to allergies as they can sometimes get in the air and cause problems. Alternatives like injection and spray foams are often preferred materials in these cases because they harden after they’ve been installed and you’re not at risk of fibers getting into the air ducts then circulating through the air.

Try to cut down on noise

Your home should be a quiet sanctuary where you can isolate yourself from outside noise. Some insulation materials are great at reducing outside noise to a fraction of what it could be with old insulation. If you have a home office or studio, you’ll also want to look into what it would take to significantly reduce noise that comes into your home from the outside by looking into solutions like cellulose or mineral wool.

Pick a price point

You need to consider your budget anytime you’re looking to complete a home improvement or maintenance project. Not all insulation costs the same so you could be looking at much higher costs with some compared to others. Get several estimates before making a final decision on which St. Louis insulation is right for your home.

Contact us for more

If you’re looking to get new insulation for your home, get in touch with our team at St. Louis Insulation. Our experts will provide you with expert recommendations based on your unique needs. Schedule a consultation today by calling 314-334-0153 or sending an email to