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3 Ways Home Insulation Companies Can Save You Money
March 20, 2023 at 4:00 AM
During Health & Safety audit at a site in Pakistan.

Many people want to find ways to cut costs and increase their savings, but one thing that often goes overlooked is the insulation in your home. Buying new insulation might not seem like the most obvious money-saving tactic, but, if you calculate the long-term savings, it tends to end up a fantastic investment. This article will explain how poor insulation can cost you money and the various ways home insulation companies can help you improve your bottom line.

How home insulation relates to expenditures.

Your home’s insulation separates the indoor air from the outside elements. In the cold winter months, the insulation traps the heat inside your home and prevents the cold air from outside from getting in. In the warmer months, it does the opposite and traps the cold air in your home. Not only does this create more comfortable conditions within the home, but it also helps to reduce your overall utility bills.

When a home has poor insulation, it allows the treated air to escape, which in turn forces your HVAC system to work harder than it needs to under ideal conditions. Typically, when you have newer insulation installed in your home, these leakages of air become minimalized, which helps keeps your costs lower. However, over time, the original installation can wear down and develop gaps or holes in it. If you start to notice your energy bills have risen without any drastic change in usage, you might consider inspecting the insulation.

red house

How home insulation companies save you money.

More affordable utility bills.

As stated, one of the most essential functions of insulation is to weatherproof your home and maintain the efficiency of your HVAC system. New insulation traps the air inside and prevents the outdoor elements from finding their way inside. You’ll start to notice this on your energy bills shortly after the new installation. In fact, according to Energy Star, new insulation could save you up to 15% on heating and cooling costs on average.

Longer life for key appliances.

A normal HVAC system tends to last for anywhere between 10 and 20 years, but that sort of longevity can quickly diminish with a poorly insulated home. Not only does air escaping run up your utility bills, but it also adds unnecessary wear and tear to the HVAC system. Since the home can’t contain the treated air, the system must continually pump more through the ducts, forcing it to run longer than it should. This ultimately leads to costly repairs and having to replace it sooner.

Take advantage of rebate programs.

A common refute for many homeowners considering updating their insulation is the cost of the initial investment. Luckily, the right home insulation company can help mitigate these costs. They act as experts in efficiency and sustainability for your home, so they’re familiar with all the rebate programs you can take advantage of to add new insulation to your home. These rebate programs can offset many of the upfront costs while still allowing you to enjoy the savings the insulation provides.

Does your home need new insulation?

Trust Missouri’s premier home insulation companies for your job. St. Louis Insulation has established a reputation as the trusted provider of quick and easy solutions for your home’s insulation problems. We offer an effective and objective approach to home comfort, and we handle each job with efficiency and a specialized focus on making financially viable upgrades to your home. It’s truly a reputation built on results.

You can learn more about St. Louis Insulation online, or schedule your initial consultation using our helpful online booking tool.